Literally Just 17 Very Similar Yet Special And Unique Pics Of Chris Hemsworth At The Beach

    You rang????

    Newsflash: Life is hard! Everything sucks. Good bread gets stale! Bathrooms smell like poo! You always miss the proper source on your TV when you're trying to switch to video and then for some reason it takes three cycles to get to the correct HDMI!

    But worry not, I have brought you here to distract you from some of your misery by showing you the following pictures of Chris Hemsworth walking down the beach. At first you might say, "Hey these all look the same!" And you'd be kinda right, they dare def similar! But they are also all unique in their own way and I believe it's important for us to explore all the different angles we've been given.

    1. Here Chris Hemsworth walks down the beach and looks to his left.

    2. Here he walks and looks more to the front. His ankles make splashes with the water around them.

    3. Here his bicep veins are clearly visible and he smirks a little.

    4. Here he walks and we can see his feet, as well as a bit more of the leftside of his body.

    5. Here he looks strong. But that's just my opinion.

    6. Here Chris looks very far to his left and you can see his jawline.

    7. Here he looks down.

    8. Here Chris wades through the water. His right arm is big.

    9. Here he looks up with his eyes and his right foot hovers.

    10. This pic looks extremely similar to pic #5, but the water droplets are suspended in a different place and also I am including it either way.

    11. Here's another pic. Great lighting!

    12. In this one, Chris looks like a good guy.

    13. A very nice young man!

    14. Here's another pic of Chris Hemsworth walking down the beach. You may think you've already seen this one, but you'd be wrong.

    15. This pic is also different from all the ones above. Trust me!

    16. Ok, well, that about wraps up this post. Just gonna leave you with one last pic of Chris Hemsworth walkin' down the beach!!

    17. And also this pic of his him surfin.

    He sure can surf!
