All Hail Hugh Jackman, King Of The Scooter

    Please bow to his majesty Hugh.

    No big deal or anything, but Hugh Jackman is one of the biggest players in the Razor Scooter world.

    This dude can SCOOT.

    Ha HA! Look at him, holding this scooter like it ain't no thang wearing his chill-ass fedora.

    When's the last time you saw someone able to scoot with a plastic bag around the handle?

    I mean, DANG!!!

    He knows he is master of the scooter.

    This guy scoots all over town. New York; L.A.; Sydney; Paris; Mechanicsville, Ohio. You name it, he SCOOTS THERE.

    Look at that form.

    Check out his balance.

    Two feet on the scooter at once, THAT'S A PRO.

    This guy scoots alone...

    ...with his family.

    And even with his dog!

    Scoot on, Hugh Jackman...

    SCOOT ON!!!!