31 Reasons You Should Get Rid Of Your Smartphone Immediately

    Just live your life. Without it.

    1. You can leave work and not carry on getting emails.

    2. You'll never have to stare at your phone wondering why someone hasn't replied again.

    3. You'll NEVER feel that buzz in your pocket that you think is a text, and then it turns out to be nothing.

    4. You'll be able to have a meal without feeling the urge to Instagram it.

    5. Which also means you'll never enrage everyone else in the restaurant.

    6. You'll never post a drunk tweet again, and wake up to an RT-based Twitterstorm.

    7. You'll never drunkenly make a status update that reveals your innermost feelings to the world.

    8. You'll never have to worry about getting the Vine to juuuust the right length again.

    9. Or being 'mayor' of anywhere.

    10. You can walk around the streets without music and actually engage with the world around you.

    11. Not to mention you're much less likely to get run over because you're paying attention.

    12. You'll never post an 'amazing' selfie that turns out to be just terrible when you see it on a full-size screen.

    13. Or miss exciting things going on around you because you're too busy taking a selfie.

    14. Instead of using your terrible phone camera, you can start using an actual camera and taking better photos.

    15. You'll never have the uncontrollable urge to check your likes, shares, comments, RTs, favourites or anything, ever again.

    16. The tedious conversation about exactly what features your phone has will never happen again.

    17. The 'very latest' app will hold no temptation for you.

    18. 'Augmented Reality' will thankfully never be a thing.

    19. You'll never have to worry about data plans again.

    20. Instead of just WhatsApp-ing people from your sofa, you'll start meeting up with them.

    21. You won't be able to keep cancelling plans, so you might see people in real life!

    22. You'll never be tethered by the tyranny of a low battery ever again.

    23. Or have to ask to charge your phone in a bar.

    24. You'll never accidentally leave it on and have it go off at an inopportune time.

    25. You can meet people in real life, rather than just swiping right.

    26. You won't have to worry about your location being tracked by advertisers.

    27. You'll never have to decode a bizarre text message again.

    28. Walking down the street won't be dangerous any more, because you'll be able to focus.

    29. Breaking your phone won't be a worry ever again.

    30. You can actually get lost, and be able to find some hidden, unknown part of the world.

    31. You can have freedom...