24 Brilliant Things That Happened To Everyone At A British Primary School

    Figuring out the perfect bit of clip art was so important.

    1. Finding out the teacher's first name and using that information to lord it over everyone.

    2. Peeling off a really, really massive bit of PVA glue after you covered your hands in it.

    3. Finding out that the answers to all the questions were all in the back of the textbooks.

    4. When your handwriting pen ran out so you got a brand new one, and it just worked so smoothly.

    5. Figuring out that you could bring sweets from home into school and sell them, and make money.

    6. Getting to go into the staff room.

    7. Coming in with LOADS of Tesco Computers for Schools vouchers.

    8. Getting given an award in assembly and then carefully stepping over everyone on the way to the front.

    9. Being considered responsible enough to use the overhead projector.

    10. Returning with the ball after someone had kicked it over the wall.

    11. Getting to leave in the middle of the day because you had a dentist appointment, while everyone else just glared at you.

    12. When whoever was running the school play gave you the lead, and you assumed it meant you were days away from becoming a world-famous actor.

    13. Getting a 25 metre badge in swimming and looking forward to going to the Olympics.

    14. Your class being the first to go to the book fair.

    15. Taking a fiver on a school trip instead of the £2 the letter said.

    16. Then going past your house on the coach and suddenly becoming a minor celebrity.

    17. Picking the perfect WordArt.

    18. Getting your school to actually appear on 50/50.

    It never happened though, because obviously. Would have been mega though.

    19. Someone else forgetting non-uniform day.

    20. The teacher actually letting you watch a video.

    21. Seeing your teacher out in the real world like they actually had a life.

    22. Helping put the chairs on the desks at the end of the day and feeling more responsible than you ever will again.

    23. Actually reaching Year 6, and getting to sit on the benches and look over the rest of assembly like a conquerer.

    24. A dog appearing in the playground and everyone having the absolute best day of their lives.

    Partially inspired by @PrimarySklProbs