A Theory On How We're All Connected As Explained By Lego Bricks

    "Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team."

    Think of the primordial soup that everything was created from as a bucket of Lego bricks.

    Over time, different life forms were created out of those blocks.

    Eventually those Lego pieces were broken.

    And out of that same pile...

    New life forms emerged.

    And again and again, until the Earth as we know it today was built.

    Every day, buildings fall, people, animals and plants pass away - causing those same Lego bricks to disperse back into the pile.

    Just to have new life forms born again out of those same blocks.

    So look around, and be kind to your neighbor, because we're all one big pile of blocks.

    Learn more about the conservation of mass here.