9 Steps To Get Any Man To Propose ASAP

    It involves a lot of sandwiches.

    1. Make him a sandwich.

    2. Actually, make him like 500 hundred sandwiches.

    3. Bury him in the sandwiches.

    4. When he texts for help, don't respond — "play hard to get."

    5. After six weeks, pull him from the sandwich pile.

    6. Tell him if he doesn't propose to you, you will bury him in sandwiches again.

    7. Use the time while he's thinking to throw another sandwich on the floor – he will reach down to get it, basically putting him in "proposal position." Quickly yell "YES" before he can do anything about it.

    8. Stuff another sandwich in his mouth before he can say anything else.

    9. At the wedding, stuff cold cuts in your bust to remind him why he's marrying you (fear and sandwiches).