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11 Thoughts You Have Before You Dye Your Hair For The First Time

Changing your hair color is a BIG deal.

1. "I think it's time for a change."

2. "YAY! Let's do this."

3. "Hrmmm, who do I want to look like?"

4. "DIY! How hard can this really be?"

5. "What if it looks horrible?"

6. "If it's too dark, I'll shampoo four times every night for the next week."

7. "If it's too light, I'll just go into hiding for a few months, NBD."

8. "Maybe I'll keep a lock of my natural hair for future reference?"

9. "One box or two? Do I buy ONE BOX OR TWO?!"

10. "I hope people still recognize me."

11. "It'll be great. I have the confidence to make anything fabulous."

Take the plunge and switch up your color. Let your friends at L'Oreal Paris help you find your signature shade with their new Hair Color Consultation Tool.