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This Dollar Store Hack For Cleaning Your Makeup Sponges Will Change Your Life

So fresh and so clean, clean.

Behold: the makeup sponge.

It does wonders for makeup application.

Except when they get dirty, they look absolutely disgusting.

And your face just doesn't deserve that.


Some people swear by olive oil and dish soap.

But that can sometimes leave behind a greasy residue.

You could use the coveted "Solid" to cleanse your sponges...

But that costs a whopping $16.

That's roughly the cost of three grande Starbucks Frappucinos.

But Tatiana Ward, aka Beat Face Honey, aka makeup artist To Nicki Minaj, let us in on a little secret.

She says she has found that ~cheap~ bar soap works best because it's drying and really helps suck out all of the makeup.

Ahhh, so satisfying.

So cheap, so effective.