This Is What 1999 Looked Like According To The People Of 1966

    In Year 1999 AD the kids are all watching YouTube at school and people are Skypeing 24/7. But there's no Britney.

    Mike is an astrophysicist who travels several times a week to a "distant" laboratory.

    This is basically just a big projector. It's like a really annoying version of iPhoto.

    This is the home computer. It is a wall of switches. And the children never, ever play around with them.

    Kids go to school only two days a week. (What?! So unfair!)

    Well, he still has to take quizzes on his computer.


    They at least got this right. While listening to his school lecture, Jamie watches cartoons on YouTube.

    Lunchtime! While Karen's husband nags her over Skype, she looks through the computer to see food options

    Online shopping!

    This is the equivalent of being a super Apple geek.

    This is kind of cool — a machine on which you can hand-write something and have it automatically transmitted.

    Oooh, this is perfect for hypochondriacs. A scanner that takes your vitals and tells you if you're developing a disease.

    Jamie plays chess against the computer. Fool. THE COMPUTER ALWAYS WINS.

    The family has a party and their friends from Paris and other far-away places pop in for the evening.

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