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38 Things Only People From Wisconsin Really Understand

Because when you say Wisconsin, you've said it all.

1. You know cheese curds are fresh if they're squeaky.

2. These are bubblers:

3. There is literally nothing better than long summer nights on the Union Terrace.

4. Cave of the Mounds is the greatest field trip destination of all time.

5. Wisconsin is home to some of the coolest architecture in the country.

6. This:

7. Fact.

8. There is only one mascot race that actually matters.

9. Paul Bunyan's all-you-can-eat breakfast is the gold standard of all-you-can-eat breakfasts.

10. Your high school valedictorian worked at Epic.

11. Cheeseheads are appropriate for any occasion.

12. So is camo.

13. And blaze orange, after September 1.

14. Eau Claire isn't a French pastry.

15. Long weekends are spent at friends' cabins north of Highway 23.

16. And vacations are spent in Door County.

17. The new(ish) indoor water parks are cool and all, but the Ducks and Noah's Ark are still the kings of the Dells.

18. The three commandments of brats:

Thou shalt not eat thine brat before it has been properly boiled in beer and onions.

Thou shalt not poke thine brat while grilling, but instead rotate with tongs.

Thou shalt not enjoy thine brat without sauerkraut and mustard.

19. An hour of scraping is par for the course.

20. Summerfest is the largest music festival IN THE WORLD!

21. And Alpine Valley is arguably the greatest venue in the world.

22. The first day of deer hunting season might as well be a state holiday.

23. Mount Horeb is a necessary detour for troll counting.

24. The World's Largest Brat Fest was cooler when it was held in the Sentry parking lot, but it's still really awesome.

25. The house on the rock is like your grandparents' basement on steroids.

26. We are the real home of the hog.

27. Nobody does farmers markets quite like Wisconsin.

28. Jack was on point when he mentioned how cold Chippewa Falls winters are.

29. If it's Friday, you always know what to order:

30. Halloween costumes should always be able to fit over a snowsuit.

31. Unless, of course, you're headed to State Street.

32. Brett Favre is a more polarizing subject in Wisconsin than politics, and that's saying a lot.

33. Books say the Wisconsin state bird is the American Robin, but we all know the truth:

34. Simply put: snow days are not a thing.

35. Minnesota is the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Wisconsin has 15,074.

36. You know exactly what to do when this song comes on.

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Doesn't matter where you are. You jump.

37. Wisconsin has potholes that have their own area code.

38. When you say Wisconsin, you've said it all!

It's summertime. Drink Wisconsinbly.