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16 Simple Ways To Be Kind To Strangers During The Holidays

'Tis the season to be nice!

1. Instead of fighting over a parking space, just give it up.

2. Write a letter to a soldier overseas.

Shovel snow or do yard work for a neighbor.

3. Bring some surprise treats for your co-workers.

4. Try really, really hard to be the optimist of your friend group.

5. Send letters to kids who have terminal illnesses...

6. ...or write a letter to the siblings of those kids.

7. Compliment a stranger's kids for being awesome.

8. Put encouraging sticky notes on public bathroom mirrors.

9. Listen better.

10. Start a social-media kindness campaign.

11. Give someone free babysitting.

12. Pay for the person in line behind you.

13. Say "thank you" to people...and actually mean it.

14. Tip generously.

15. Candy Cane-bomb a parking lot.

16. Donate blood.

Do you have a great idea for spreading kindness during the holidays? Tell us about it in the comments below! And get more Christmastime suggestions from the friendly folks at!