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    11 Crazy Facts About North Korea

    It is the year 104 in North Korea NOT 2015.

    1. North Korea has a 100% literacy rate

    2. North Korea has 28 sanctioned haircuts

    3. North Koreans are on average shorter than South Koreans

    4. Only 2.83% of the roads in North Korea are paved.

    5. North Korea is the most corrupt country in the world

    6. While the current year is 2015, in North Korea the current year is 104.

    7. North Koreans virtually have no free time

    8. North Korea's space program only has a 20% success rate

    9. North Korea has elections every 5 years but only lists one person on the ballot

    10. North Korea allegedly has Holocaust-style concentration camps

    Here is the story of a man who escape from one of those camps in 2005

    View this video on YouTube

    His name is Shin Dong-hyuk. He was born in 1982 in a concentration camp called Camp 14. He was raised in Camp 14 without any knowledge of the outside world. He shares his story of being tortured and escaping hell. He currently lives in South Korea.

    11. In every North Korean home and business, there is a radio that is controlled by the government.

    Here is a picture of North Korea at night