This Baby Looked So Adorably Betrayed After Watching Her Parents Kiss

    The sweetest betrayal.

    This precious little bean is Ella. She's five months old and lives with her parents, Matt and Krissy Hanneken, and two brothers in Maryland.

    And one night, she got incredibly, adorably, charmingly jealous at the sight of her parents kissing.

    Just look.

    Matt and Krissy had been doing their normal bedtime routine — a kiss from each of them on Ella's cheek — which she usually loves.

    So Matt and Krissy gave each other a kiss to get her smiling again.

    But instead this happened.

    By the third kiss, Ella had a look "like I betrayed her," said Matt.

    That tiny, sad look!

    That tiny, sad pout!

    Don't worry, she got plenty of kisses and hugs too.

    "All of our children are just awesome little kids," he added. "It just happened to be that this little one was having an off night."

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