Ontario’s Government Pot Stores Are Trying To Suck All The Fun Out Of Weed

    Nothing fun here!

    Ontario has announced the name and logo for its upcoming weed shops and it's even duller than you imagined.

    It looks like something slapped together in Microsoft Word.

    The logo for "Ontario Cannabis Store" which is where you'll buy weed in Ontario looks like a front for a business that used microsoft word to put something together. https://t.co/NffTRredTl

    Although since it was the government, it probably went through dozens of rounds of consultations and proposals and hemming and hawing before being slapped together in Word.

    In fairness it could have also been made in Powerpoint.

    pleased to debut my proposal for the new ontario cannabis store logo

    It's a touch disappointing given the source material.

    annoyed that the Ontario Cannabis Store logo doesn't include a string of dancing grateful dead bears and an alien in a cat-in-the-hat hat saying "take me to your provincially authorized dealer" while devil stix-ing.

    It's the No Name of drugs.

    The Ontario Cannabis Store seems to have taken a branding lesson from the one and only No Name.

    Like, we get it, you don't want anyone to think drugs are fun.

    The creative team behind the Ontario Cannabis Store logo. #ONpoli

    As if minimalist design will stop anyone from getting their hands on legal weed.

    "I was going to go buy some legal cannabis but the logo for the Ontario Cannabis Store is trite and boring, so now I'm not going to" - literally no one ever.

    There's certainly room for improvement.

    It just takes a little imagination.

    I dunno, everybody is saying the Ontario Cannabis Store logo is boring, but if you flip it 90 degrees to the right, you can turn it into a fancy little cowboy on a saddle. #onpoli https://t.co/dvIVWd1myu

    We just need to, like, expand our thinking, man.

    Sure, the Ontario Cannabis Store logo LOOKS boring. But have you ever tried syncing it to 'Dark Side of the Moon'?