31 Times Leslie Knope Restored Your Faith In Pantsuits

    We love them almost as much as she loves gorgeous, purebred poodle Ann Perkins.

    1. The Compassionate Ranger of Parks

    2. The Beautiful Spinster

    3. The Humble, Intelligent Golden Retriever

    4. The Transcendent Little Sea Horse

    5. The Coy Bastard

    6. The Magnificent Tree of Life

    7. The Impish, Beautiful Liger

    8. The Poetic and Noble Land Mermaid

    9. The Sly Industrial Park

    10. The Elegant, Tiny Bus Driver

    11. The Wild, Majestic Unicorn

    12. The Delicious Stack of Waffles

    13. The Barrel of Monkeys...And Kindness

    14. The Beautiful, Naïve, Sophisticated Newborn Baby

    15. The Gorgeous, Simple House Cat

    16. The Magnificent Middle School Marching Band

    17. The Unstoppable, Glamorous Freight Train

    18. The Beautiful and Organized

    19. The Cunning, Pliable, Chestnut-Haired Sunfish

    20. The Phenomenal Well Of Ideas

    21. The Beautiful, Confused Defender of Justice

    22. The Beautiful, Glowing Sun Goddess

    23. The Beautiful, Misunderstood Sports Car

    24. The Adorable Miniature Horse

    25. The Handsome, Genius Child

    26. The Fluorescent Lightbulb of Truth

    27. The Beautiful, Talented, Brilliant, Powerful Musk Ox

    28. The Spectacular, Golden-Tongued Sunflower

    29. The Beautiful Rule-Breaking Moth

    30. The Flawless Apple Pie

    31. The Beautiful Tropical Fish

    Now go dress like the priceless, expensive gem you are!