22 Things Sisters With A Massive Age Gap Will Get

    Your parents will let her do what she likes, including take the piss out of you.

    1. Having a baby sister when you were a teenager felt like having a real-life doll.

    2. When you get older, you don't have to worry about her nicking your clothes because she thinks they're grown up and boring.

    3. You totally nick her clothes though, even if you wonder whether it's OK to wear an 18-year-old's outfit when you're 30.

    4. Your little sister uses words you don't understand and think are ridiculous.

    5. And she dares to take the piss out of YOU for talking properly.

    6. You obviously drop in her teen-lingo to try and look down with the kids when you're with your friends though.

    7. Changing nappies for friends' babies is NBD because you spent your teens changing your sister's.

    8. And threatening to write jokes about that on her Facebook wall is the best bribe you'll ever have.

    9. She'll often preface her texts showing you her new going-out dress with "don't judge me".

    10. Because you take a way more parental view of her than you would of a closer-in-age sibling.

    11. That doesn't mean it won't feel weird when you hear yourself say, "you can't go out in that!", though.

    12. You feel like you have a responsibility to be the more serious one since you're so much older.

    13. But that doesn't stop you trolling her with every chance you get.

    14. You're certain that your parents didn't let you do half of what she gets away with when you were her age.

    Let's all acknowledge my 14 year old sister drinking a glass of wine #alcoholic #futuredrunkaunt

    15. And you're doubly certain you didn't behave as badly as she does when you were her age.

    16. You can't help but be annoyed about the fact that she's like a walking reminder of how good you looked a decade ago.

    17. But you're still always next level proud of everything she does.

    18. Because it never stops blowing your mind that she's a proper person and not just your nerdy little sister.

    19. You're glad you're not closer in age because you worry you probably would have ended up hating each other.

    20. Instead you can live in sisterly harmony without having to battle through you both having teenage tantrums at the same time.

    21. And although you sometimes wish you could have had her as your BFF when you were a little kid...

    22. ...You wouldn't change her for the world.