This Is What It's Like To Try And Quit Facebook

    Unfollow away, my friends.

    It’s 2AM and you’re deep down a mindless Facebook hole reading about a friend of a friend from school’s dead dog.

    Your notifications tab is alive with distant family members inviting you to play Candy Crush Saga.

    Pictures of acquaintances’ seemingly well-behaved kids and wooden floors are making you question your life choices.

    It’s time to quit Facebook.


    “But how will I keep up with 1000 of my closest distant long-lost friends?”, you cry.

    “What if nobody invites me to parties? How will I use Tinder?!”.


    But wait, you don’t need to go ice-cold-turkey and delete your profile, there’s another way…

    Give your friends list a serious cull.

    Unfollow all the people on your timeline who aren't family or day-to-day IRL friends.

    Hey, why not unfollow some of them too if their posts don’t bring you good vibes.

    Turn off Facebook chat.

    Delete the bookmark from your toolbar so you’re not tempted to get click-happy when you’re reading other websites.

    Delete the app from your phone.

    Your feed becomes a quick, need-to-know summary of people you actually like and things you're really interested in.

    With such a well-edited timeline, it feels so easy to log on, check your notifications, and log right off again.

    Maybe you'll even read a book instead.

    Or go outside!

    You kind of forget about all of those friends of friends of friends anyway.

    And the next time you wonder what your ex from years ago is up to right now, you’ll simply wonder because they won’t be right there, aging in your timeline.


    Sure, you could actually search them, but you don’t even feel like it now you’re out of the Facebook vortex.


    Hey, maybe you’re even ready to quit properly and delete your profile now.
