Type Your Postcode In Here To Find Charities Near You That Need Volunteers

    Enter your postcode to see how you can help people and groups in need, whether you’ve got a little bit of time or loads.

    Wherever you live, there are people for whom life might have become a little harder.

    Leading figures in the voluntary sector expect poverty and hunger to worsen and loneliness continues to creep into the lives of older people, with more than 200,000 not having had a conversation with a friend or family member in more than a month, according to Age UK.

    But there are thousands of charities around the country helping those in need, and volunteers are at the heart of them.

    Perhaps you’ve got an afternoon spare to shake a collection bucket outside your local supermarket or would be up for doing some shifts at a charity shop. Maybe you'd be able to help kids with their homework or have tea with an older person in need of a friend.

    You could even offer professional expertise like legal advice or marketing if you've got those skills to share. Sometimes there are opportunities to care for cats and dogs at an animal shelter.

    Whether you've got a little bit of time or loads of it, use our volunteering opportunity finder — created in partnership with the site Do-it.org — to see who’s looking for help in your area. Click on an opportunity and "find out more" to get in touch.

    You could make a world of difference.

    If you would like to give feedback on our tool, or if you know of a charity or group with volunteering opportunities we could add, please email volunteermap@buzzfeed.com.

    One note: the results are provided by a third party – BuzzFeed hasn't checked the individual listings so can't promise they'll definitely be accurate or up to date. You should always do your own checks before signing up. Please read our full disclaimer here.