15 Ways To Make A Mum's Life A Little Easier During Self-Isolation

    Mummas, you need to take care of yourself too.

    1. Get outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine in the morning – it will be the best thing for you.

    2. Do something special for yourself in between your family’s routine.

    3. Yep, make sure you're getting plenty of well-deserved R&R time.

    4. Join or create an online Mother’s Group to share your motherhood woes.

    5. Get active and tune into one of the free virtual workouts on offer.

    6. Download a meditation app and get centred, baby.

    7. Sit down for a few minutes and enjoy your cuppa while it’s still hot (well, at least warm).

    8. Go easy on your standards and allow yourself a bit of wallowing time.

    9. Listen to some good parenting podcasts and have a laugh.

    10. Schedule an in-house date for you and your partner to stay connected.

    11. Invest in your most important asset – your own mental health.

    12. Stop listening to the negativity out there and focus on your little family bubble.

    13. Buy yourself a nice comfy lounge outfit as, let's face it, you deserve it.

    14. Journal those inner thoughts and try to be grateful for the blessings you have.

    15. And finally, keep dreaming and planning for your own personal goals.