13 Situations Single People Know Too Well

    Yes grandma, I'm still single.

    1. The "Pity Invite Dinner"

    Your friends invite you to dinner with their S.O.'s. They all sit next to each other and you're just kind of there. Then they start trying to talk you into meeting one of their friends. Then they start bringing up inside jokes. Then you start wondering what you should watch on Netflix when you get home.

    2. The "I Just Want To Watch This Movie, Please Stop Sucking Face" Experience

    You go the movies purposely choosing the least romantic movie. You get inside and are suddenly surrounded by couples. GTFO, COUPLES. There's no need for you to be holding hands right now. It's not even romantic.

    3. The "Would You Mind If I Gave Away Your Plus One Spot To Someone Else" Wedding Invite

    4. The "My Family Won't Stop Asking Me If I've Met Someone" Family Gathering

    5. The "Everyone Needs Their S.O.'s Opinions While Shopping" Experience

    6. The "You Are So In Love You Decided To Reproduce And You Don't Even Have Alcohol Here" Baby Shower

    7. The "I Literally Cannot Escape My Single Status" Vacation

    8. The "Look What My S.O. Got Me For This Holiday" Moment

    9. The "I Finally Get To See My Favorite Band But This Couple Slow Dancing Is Blocking My View" Concert

    10. The "I Love Brunch So Much Until My Favorite Spot Becomes The New Hangout For Couples"

    11. The "I'm Close To Death And Need Someone To Take Care Of Me" Sickness

    12. The "I Just Moved And I Don't Have Anyone To Help Me Assemble This IKEA Furniture" Moment

    13. The "I Want To Cook A Meal But There's Just One Of Me" Moment