25 Pictures That Are Way, Way Too Real For Tall Girls

    The weather up here is great!!!

    1. When you see a guy over 6 feet:

    2. When someone who is 5'7" complains about being tall:

    3. When someone tells you to bend down so you fit in the picture:

    4. When you google your new celeb crush to make sure it's a realistic love affair:

    5. When you have to sit down to see yourself in a mirror:

    6. When someone who is shorter than you tries to intimidate you:

    7. When you have to ask yourself this very important and necessary question:

    8. This email that will alter lives and change the world for the better:

    9. When someone tells you that you're tall:

    10. When you stand next to your short friend and suddenly become a giant:

    11. When you're walking next to short people and they try to tell you to slow down:

    12. When someone asks you how the weather is "up there":

    13. When you see a couple and the girl is 5'3" and she's dating a guy over 6 feet:

    14. When you try to find someone who is taller than you are:

    15. When you try to dance with someone shorter than you:

    16. When you try to take a shower but the shower was made for elves:

    17. When you try to sit at a desk but the desk isn't cooperating:

    18. When you try to hug someone shorter than you and they end up just hugging your boobs:

    19. When you try to use a public restroom but everyone can see your head over the stall door:

    20. When someone asks you for the umpteenth time whether or not you played sports:

    21. When you try to take a nice relaxing bath but you don't fit:

    22. When you're trying to walk and the ceiling gets in your way:

    23. When someone asks why you're wearing heels:

    24. When you try to fit your body into a romper:

    25. And when you're looking cute AF but your body height won't fit in the Instagram square: