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11 Ways To Wow The Clients At Your Business Dinner

A business trip often comes with a client dinner — you totally got this. Travel better and rest easier with La Quinta Inns & Suites™.

1. If it’s a larger party, overbook your reservations.

2. Extend the invitations at least one week in advance.

3. Find out any guests’ possible food allergies beforehand.

4. Have a seating strategy.

5. Look your best.

6. Get to know about them, and share a bit about yourself.

7. Follow a two-drink maximum.

8. Be courteous to the waitstaff.

9. Keep the whole event to about two to three hours.

10. Grab the bill first.

11. Remember that details matter.

You handle the awesome business dinner; we'll handle your awesome hotel experience. Travel better and rest easier with La Quinta Inns & Suites.