These Airplane Passengers Will Have You Saying "WTF?!"

    Do you mind?!

    Long-haul flights suck. Space is limited, air is dry, and every minute you question more and more your decision to willingly board this damn unnatural metal contraption. The Instagram account @PassengerShaming gathers pictures that will have you canceling all of your upcoming holiday travel plans.

    1. Could you not air your socks out on the food tray, sir?

    2. "Sometimes you just gotta let it all hang out..."

    3. This makes me uncomfortable.

    4. Umm... WHAT?!

    5. At least it's in a pouch...

    6. No, no, no, no, NO!!!

    7. How can that possibly be comfortable?!

    8. Meanwhile, in the emergency exit aisle...

    9. You poor plebeians with no leg room, please pardon me while I stretch out a bit.

    10. S...s...s...STOP!!

    11. What could possibly compel any civilized being to do such a thing?!

    12. You have GOT to be kidding me!

    13. Isn't there some sort of weight restriction on this plane?

    14. Do you mind?

    15. Re-evaluate your choices.

    16. I would hate to be the poor soul sitting in front of this supremely inconsiderate person.

    17. Just your typical airplane contortionist.

    19. Not impressed.

    20. Well, I guess you're prepared...

    This post was translated from Japanese.