21 Sloths Who Literally Can't Even

    It's just one of those days.

    1. This sloth who was too tired to function.

    2. This sloth who forgot how to smile.

    3. This sloth who couldn't believe a human was trying to feed them their breakfast.

    4. This sloth who didn't even have the energy to sit up.

    5. This sloth who couldn't get their cat friend to play with them.

    6. This sloth who could NOT move.

    7. This sloth who got in his own way.

    8. This sloth who really didn't want to be on a boat ride.

    9. This sloth who wanted no business in getting out of bed.

    10. This sloth who had too much on their mind.

    11. This sloth who just wanted five more minutes of sleep.

    12. This sloth who couldn't even take a bite of their food.

    13. This sloth who couldn't keep their eyes open.

    14. This sloth who was stuck in a red bowl.

    15. This sloth who probably smelled something awful.

    16. This sloth whose tongue got in the way of their yawn.

    17. This sloth who couldn't decide which eye to wink with.

    18. This sloth who didn't want to be held by a human.

    19. This sloth who couldn't hold themselves up.

    20. This sloth who just wanted to hide all day.

    21. This sloth who literally can't even.