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Taylor Swift Is The Perfect Example Of How To Hang Out With An Ex

A brief lesson in How to Hang Out With Your Boyfriend & Ex-Boyfriend at the Same Time.

No one can forget the infamous 25-second breakup heard round the world.

Back in 2008, Taylor Swift revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas broke up with her on a potentially record-breaking hella short phone call.

You know what it's like — when I find that person that is right for me, he'll be wonderful. When I look at that person, I'm not even going to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18. I looked at the call log — it was like 27 seconds. That's got to be a record.

Fast-forward seven years, and Joe Jonas is now being linked to Swift Squad member Gigi Hadid.

While Jonas and Swift haven't been seen together in quite a while, Hadid recently brought him along to their group hangout, proving that there's definitely no ~Bad Blood~ (sorry) between the two anymore.

But this weekend, they took that friendly relationship to a whole new level, when they all spent the day boating together in London — on a double date.

Joe Jonas obviously had no qualms about the situation — poppin' a bottle of champagne on said boat and living his best life.

Which leaves Taylor Swift once again giving us all a great lesson in life: ~Time can heal most anything~. You can have your heart completely shattered by someone, and still move on to find love and happiness.

Better yet, you can hang out with your boyfriend and your ex at the same time on one tiny boat and have the best damn day. If you still need help in this department, I fully recommend listening to "Clean" on repeat.

This Tumblr post explains it best. She finally found that ~right person~ and we couldn't be MORE DAMN HAPPY.

YAAASS, girl.