There's A New Dole Whip-Inspired Donut At Disneyland And You'll Want It Immediately


    If you're as obsessed with Disney as I am, then you already know that their Dole Whips (aka magical pineapple soft serve) might be the greatest park snack to ever exist.

    People are so obsessed with the tropical treat that it's inspired everything from t-shirts... pins... candles...

    ...and now the best pineapple iteration of all: DONUTS.

    So technically, as a Disney representative explained to me, it's not called a Dole Whip Donut — the new dessert is a "Pineapple Donut with Meringue." But with the pineapple filling and icing, and the toasty meringue and umbrella on top, it definitely *feels* inspired by the iconic frozen snack.

    And if you want to get your hands on one of these donuts, you better get to Disneyland fast! The treat is just one flavor in a rotation of donuts the park serves daily at the Coffee Cart on Main Street at Disneyland Park — and you can get it now through Friday, April 20!

    *Books flight to California*

    h/t Instagram user @ninatinkandtaylor who spotted these at the park!