21 Photos That Are Way Too Real For Anyone Who's Been Pregnant

    Ah, Disney. It never disappoints.

    1. When you've got that first trimester morning sickness:

    2. When you're trying to act calm, cool, and collected but you just peed your pants a little:

    3. When someone catches you eating all the ice cream in the middle of the night:

    4. When you step on the scale at your prenatal appointment:

    5. When you wake up after another restless night:

    6. When you walk by someone and ram them with your belly:

    7. When pregnancy has got you swollen AF:

    8. When you're going crazy cause you can't find a baby name:

    9. When the constipation hits you:

    10. When a complete stranger asks if they can rub your belly:

    11. When you feel your baby kick at the beginning of the second trimester:

    12. And when your baby kicks at the end of the third trimester:

    13. When you feel like shit but you're impressed at how big your boobs have gotten:

    14. When you're about to do the glucose test:

    15. When someone runs across town to get you a food you're craving:

    16. When someone asks if you're going to eat the whole thing:

    17. When you wake up sweating in the middle of the night:

    18. When those pregnancy hormones have made you an emotional mess:

    19. When your partner sees you go into labor:

    20. And when they're trying to help get you to the hospital:

    21. Then, finally, when the doctor is telling you to breathe while your partner freaks out and you are in too much pain to comprehend anything: