16 Teachers Who Are Really, Really Getting Into This Online Schooling Thing

    "Here is a picture of my cat for motivation!"

    1. This teacher who is hosting his virtual classes in Hawaii:

    My professor sent this to everyone in our class😭💀

    2. This teacher who is spreading cheer to her students by sending videos of herself as an avocado:

    No way my teacher sent me this LMFAOOOOO.

    3. And this teacher who is motivating their students with pics of their cat:

    this is exactly the type of motivation i need from my teacher

    4. This teacher who is sharing photos of what he's wearing and what he's drinking out of during every class:

    at the beginning of each lecture my professor shows us what sweater he’s wearing and what mug he’s using😢💓

    5. This teacher who is taking full advantage of using their students to up her cat's popularity in the cutest pet contest:

    my teacher just posted this on google classroom bahahahahahaha moood

    6. This teacher who is making online learning right on par with social media:

    my teacher just deadass said "leave a like if you're present in the lesson"

    7. This teacher who is truly doing everything she can to make things feel more personal:

    Teachers that are going the extra mile for their students that they can’t be with physically right now deserve so much credit, my sweet mom being one of them!! 📚🍎

    8. And this teacher who is making things like this collage of her students' virtual sessions:

    I am missing my students a little extra this morning so I put together this collage of our past two weeks as a virtual school! (Featuring a few photos of our assistant teachers on the job of course) @miltonhershey @MHPrincipals @MhsVpa

    9. This teacher who is giving updates on the classroom plant:

    my teacher just updated us on her classroom plant children

    10. This teacher who is making creative poems for their students:

    11. And this teacher who is sending funny, but real memes to their students:

    12. This teacher who is making special online stickers with her Bitmoji:

    Spent my Saturday morning making stickers for my teacher planner 🙈

    13. This teacher who is letting her guinea pig participate in classroom time:

    We in class and my teacher just pulled out a guinea pig 😐😂

    14. And this teacher who is letting her bird participate in classroom time:

    My teacher’s assistant during distance learning...good thing she’s not camera shy #GriswoldSOARS #elearning

    15. This teacher who is still asking students what their gum of choice is:

    every friday my core studio professor would offer us a piece of gum and he’s really not letting anything stop him 😢😭

    16. And finally, this teacher who is legit driving to students' houses to give them air hugs:

    Mrs. Mullinax from WVP put a huge smile on my son’s face today when she surprised him with a visit! So thankful for teachers that go the extra mile in times like these.