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Anonymously Ask The Secret Questions You Have About Gender Affirmations Here

The questions can be 100% anonymous if you want!

Getting a gender affirmation is all about being happy as the truest form of yourself — and we celebrate that!

But we also know that it can be a complex process — and lots of people may have questions about it before considering gender confirmation procedures of any kind.

Maybe you want to know how the process is done surgically — whether that be male to female or vice versa.

stock photo of surgeon

And maybe you also want to know if that process will change your sensation.

stock photo of doctor talking to a patient

Perhaps you just want to know what kinds of medications and side effects to expect.

stock photo of pills

Or maybe you just want information about the overall safety of the whole process.

Whatever questions you have — nothing is off-limits or too personal — we want to give you the answers straight from a qualified expert! Ask your questions below, or submit them in this ANONYMOUS FORM, and our expert may answer your questions in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

Correction: This post has since been updated to adhere to the standards of BuzzFeed's Style Guide.