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People Who Have Pierced Their Private Parts: What Would People Find Interesting To Know About Having One?

Does it make sensation better?!

Hello to the friends who have pierced some of their most ~sensitive~ areas. We want to talk to you...

So if you've pierced your nipples, clit, penis, or butt, we want you to share your whole experience!

Like, why did you decide to get it? Did it hurt like hell initially...or did you find the process pleasurable 😏? How long did it take for it to heal?

Does the piercing make sex more enjoyable? And do you have, like, really amazing orgasms now?!!!!

Or are you a mom who is currently breastfeeding with pierced nipples? WHAT IS THAT LIKE???

On the flip side, is it something that you eventually removed because it got infected, or maybe you got a little excited during sex and it got yanked or pulled?

Is there anything people should know before getting one? Whatever your piercing journey was like — and whatever advice you have — we want to hear about it! Share the deets with us in the comments below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!