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    Here's All The Things No One Tells You About Hollywood

    No one works when it rains.

    1. If you're late because of "traffic," people actually believe you.

    2. Bringing your dog everywhere is completely acceptable.

    3. The stars are actually just a part of the regular old sidewalk in Hollywood.

    4. Getting somewhere is always estimated in minutes, never miles.

    5. And every two miles you're basically in a different city.

    6. Everyone pretty much prefers sparkling water over soda (or pop, for you Midwesterners).

    7. If you don't use reusable bags to help save the environment, you will pay 10 cents per sack at the grocery store.

    8. No one really knows how to drive in the rain, so rainy days are like snow days here.

    9. There are literally only a few Walmarts, but Targets are everywhere and they have multi-leveled parking garages.

    10. The Hollywood sign is really just like a billboard that never changes.

    11. People don't really run into famous people every single day.

    12. You're guaranteed to get a parking ticket over $65 at least three times a year.

    13. Oh, and you could get a jaywalking ticket that's about $250 or a red light camera ticket that's over $490.

    14. Very few people are actually from LA, so you never exchange phone numbers without giving your area code first.

    15. Not every server is a struggling actor, and if they are, they're probably sick of being asked if they are one.

    16. You can expect your street, your grocery store, your mall, or even the freeway to be shut down for filming pretty regularly.

    17. Lastly, living in Los Angeles is F&%*ING expensive, and also F&%*ING worth it. But you already knew that. 😉