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You Will Only Scream At These 14 Pictures If You're A Parent

Why, child, why?!

1. This child who decided to literally start your day shitty.

2. This child who decided to cut their own hair.

3. And this child who decided to "rub an entire jar of Burt's Bees jelly all over her hair, body, and the kitchen."

4. This child who decided to learn how to cut triangles on mommy's bedspread.

5. This child who decided to take one bite out of all the strawberries.

6. This child who decided to give herself chicken pox.

7. The child who decided her baby doll needed to go for a swim.

8. And this child who decided they needed a good foot soak.

9. This child who decided to run his car through his mom's hair when she wasn't paying attention.

10. This child who got into the flour.

11. And this child who got into the tissues.

12. This child who decided to play sidewalk chalk half naked.

13. The child who decided it was a good idea to bring home slime from school.

14. And the child who decided to throw their dirty diaper in the fridge.