A Holocaust Survivor's Story Of Her Time In A Concentration Camp Is Astounding

One small act of kindness can change someone's life.

Francine Christophe is 83 years old.

She is a French writer and poet. She is Jewish. She is also a Holocaust survivor.

Christophe is a participant in a new documentary, Human, which examines differing concepts of humanity and what it means to be human.

In the film, she tells the story of her deportation to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in northern Germany and an incredible story that came from her time there.

Deportees were able to bring a small item with them. Christophe's mother brought two small pieces of chocolate, in case she "collapsed completely, and really needed help."

However, Christophe's mother decided to give the treat to a fellow detainee who was about to give birth.

The mother and baby survived. Six months later the camp was freed and the detainees sent home. Years later, Christophe put on a conference on the theme "If the Survivors of Concentration Camps Had Had Counseling."

And when a woman at the event took the podium to begin a talk...

...she first gave Christophe a gift.

A piece of chocolate.

And revealed that she was the baby born in the concentration camp.

You can watch the full video of Christophe's amazing story below. Humans is available here for local authorities, NGOs, and charities who wish to screen the film.

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