This Picture Perfectly Sums Up How Women Will Always Be Shamed, No Matter What They Wear

Its creator was inspired to draw the picture by the debate around the burkini.

On Tuesday, Twitter user @LaSauvageJaune shared a drawing called "La loterie de l'indécence," or "The lottery of indecency."

The picture shows two halves of a woman, one dressed with a veil, a burkini, and a long skirt, and the other clothed only in a mini skirt. The picture is annotated throughout with phrases often imposed on women.

The captions show how no matter what a woman wears, she will be subjected to criticism.

The user, who prefers to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News she had the idea for the cartoon for a while, but was sparked into drawing it by the recent controversy in France concerning the banning of burkinis by several cities.

"What saddens me, and what I wanted to express in this drawing is that the woman is pointed, judged, criticized for her appearance constantly, whatever the clothing, religion," she said. "In the lottery of indecency, the woman is the only loser. "

Since being posted, the post has been retweeted over 6,000 times and received huge amounts of praise.

Un dessin très bien vu. By @LaSauvageJaune :)

"A very good drawing."

@LaSauvageJaune @cha_matou Merci et bravo pour cette image très forte !

"Thank you and bravo for this very strong image!"

Facebook: Hexatrone

"It's easier to explain things with a drawing."

This post originally appeared on BuzzFeed France.

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