People Are Really Excited About This Cookie Company's Interpretation Of A “Traditional” Family

People are loving the brand's interpretation of a "traditional" family.

Pozuelo is a Costa Rican biscuit company.

At the moment it has a campaign called #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia (When there is love there is family).

As part of this, the company have launched a campaign that shows varying depictions of what makes a family.

The advert shows an older couple with their dogs.

A mother and father with two children, but with a stay at home dad.

A same-sex couple.

And finally the father and son who narrate the advert are shown to be a single parent family.

The advert has sparked some controversy. An online petition has been created opposing the depiction of same sex couples as a "family".

However, Twitter users have been using the campaign's hashtag to express their support of the advert and various family units.

Necesitamos más gerentes de marca que hagan visibles a las minorías en sus anuncios. #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia

We need more brand managers that make minorities visible in their ads .

Tarde de galletas y partido en familia ⚪️🔵🔴 @tavogamboa #galletaspozuelo #siendofeliz #tradición #puroamor

Afternoon of cookies and soccer match with family.

#CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia Gracias #GalletasPozuelo por visibilizar los diferentes moldes de familia de nuestros país.

Thank you #GalletasPozuelo for making visible the different types of families in our country.

#CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia ¡Cómo les cuesta a algunas personas aceptarlo así!

How hard is it for some people to accept things like these.

@GalletasPozuelo gracias por su valentía! Somos muchos los que creemos que el amor es la base de una familia #CuandoHayAmorHayFamilia

Thank you for your courage! Many of us believe that love is the basis of a family.

Familias sin moldes e imposiciones dogmáticas. Aplaudir la valentia de Pozuelo que muestra la diversidad familiar

Families without moulds and dogmatic impositions. Applaud the bravery of Pozuelo showing family diversity.

You can watch the full video here:

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