People Are Tweeting #JusticePourAdama After The Death Of A Black Man In Police Custody

Protests broke out in France days after Adama Traoré died following his arrest last week.

Last Tuesday, 24-year-old Adama Traoré from Beaumont-sur-Oise, France, died in police custody after being arrested, according to police, for interfering with the arrest of his brother in a case of extortion.

An autopsy provided by the local prosecutor on Thursday said Traoré had a very serious organ infection which caused his death. His family believe he died due to being beaten by police. His brother, Baguy, told iTELE that he saw the beating and witnessed Adama's body being left in the police station.

When word of Traoré's death spread on Tuesday night, riots erupted across the Val-d'Oise area.

Tensions were only heightened when, on Wednesday, Traoré's family held a press conference where they stated they had yet to see the body, and asked journalists to "stop relaying police versions without conducting an investigation."

After the press conference, the family and their supporters staged a sit in outside the police station where Traoré was arrested. The gathering was broken up with tear gas.

Les gendarmes ont utilisé des gaz lacrymogènes pour disperser le rassemblement à Persan

On Friday, a silent march was held in Traoré's honour. His family held another short press conference, during which they appealed for calm and for witnesses to come forward.

Since the incident, the hashtag #JusticePourAdama has been used to spread word of protests and to stand in solidarity with Traoré's family.

Black lives Matter everywhere #JusticePourAdama


People are also angry over the death of another black man, Harouna Attouman, in police custody in early July. His death was reported as suicide.

2 H noirs sont morts aux mains de la police française en moins de 10 jours: Harouna Attoumani & Adama Traoré,ne les oublions pas #BLMFrance

"2 black men died at the hands of the French police within 10 days: Harouna Attoumani & Adama Traoré, we are not forgetting."

Traoré's death sparked conversations on social media about race relations in France. Many Twitter users turned to the #BLMFrance hashtag to vent their frustration.

Because I am tired to wake up every morning to find out that another black person have been killed by the police ! #BLMFrance

Parce qu'un "ici c'est pas les États Unis" n'est pas une RÉPONSE #BLMFrance

"Because 'here is not the United States' is not an answer."

Qd lundi "c est horrible ce qui se passe aux USA", puis mercredi"arrêtez la victimisation!" #BLMFrance

"When on Monday it’s 'what’s happening in the US is horrible' then on Wednesday it’s 'stop victimisation!'"

On Saturday, a Black Lives Matter protest was fueled by the recent anger, with many protestors carrying signs depicting Traoré or carrying his name.

In the midst of the unrest, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, member of France's far right National Front party, tweeted her support for the country's police force.

Tous unis avec nos policiers qui font face à la haine des émeutiers-délinquants de #BeaumontSurOise.

"All united with our police officers who have to deal with the hatred of the rioters in Beaumont-sur-Oise."

This story originally appeared on BuzzFeed France. You can read the posts here and here.

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