33 Things You'll Only Understand If You're In Fandom

    With great TV marathons, comes great fangirling.

    1. The evolution of love:

    2. The exponential growth rate of eyeballs.

    3. The eye of the storm:

    4. Crying tears of empowerment.

    5. The urge to AU:

    6. The joy of fangirling with people you fangirl about:

    7. The fine art of decoupage:

    8. This frequently heard ballad:

    9. Repurposing unrelated posts in the name of fandom:


    11. When projectile vomit is appropriate:

    12. Truly flawless cosplay:

    13. The pain of watching a show made outside of your country:

    14. The realities of being in love with a fictional character:

    15. The joy of character flaws:

    Harry u dumb fucking potat I luh u so much bae.

    16. The life-saving nature of television:

    17. In-depth character analysis:

    18. The complicated process of making friends:

    19. A deep love of facts:

    20. An intense fear of spoilers:

    21. The sport of hunting the legendary easter egg:

    22. The need to apologize:

    23. The importance of a good soundtrack to smash the patriarchy to :

    24. How real the thirst is:

    25. Subtext:

    26. The importance of recruitment:

    27. Especially in slideshow format:

    28. The need for super durable friends:

    29. Poker faces and their only weakness:

    30. How precious behind-the-scenes footage is:


    32. The eternal question, HOW DO YOU EVEN ART:

    33. The unyielding death grip of fandom: