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26 Hillary Clinton Reactions For Everyday Situations

Hillary Clinton. She's just like us.

1. When you realize your friends hung out without you.

2. When someone tells a sexist joke.

3. When your favorite character dies on Game of Thrones.

4. When you walk through someone's fart.

5. When someone tells you what happened on a show before you've seen it.

6. When you see your ex at the bar but don't want them to see you.

7. When your friend tells you a really juicy piece of gossip.

8. When your BFF tells you a joke.

9. When someone needs to swerve.

10. When you tell your best friend's new boyfriend what will happen to him if he hurts her.

11. When you're fake-laughing at someone's joke.

12. When you're trying to pretend you're good with kids.

13. When another one of your friends gets engaged.

14. When you're in a meeting and you have to stop yourself from saying, "That's what she said."

15. When you tell a joke and the whole room laughs.

16. When the light turns green and the person in front of you doesn't go.

17. When your ex updates their Facebook status to "In A Relationship."

18. When you try to be sexy and wink at your crush.

19. When you have to hug someone you don't really like.

20. When you have to hug someone your friend doesn't like.

21. When you're way too hungover to be at work.

22. When you see someone wearing cargo shorts.

23. When a co-worker gets credit for something you did.

24. When you have to shake someone's hand and it's sweaty.

25. When someone gives you a backhanded compliment.

26. When you're at a party and you don't know anyone.