Harry Styles' Stunt Double Wearing A Harry Styles Mask Is Creepy AF


    Good news, Harry Styles/One Direction fans! Harry has been filming the music video for his debut solo single this week.

    And here he is just hanging about really high up.

    Here he is again looking a bit different.

    But that's just because it's his stunt double with a mask of Harry's face on. CREEPY OR WHAT??!

    And this...this will just haunt your dreams.

    Sorry about that.

    The pictures soon did the rounds online, and most people were pretty creeped out by the hilarious pics tbh.

    They used a body double with a creepy mask to film some scenes of Harry's video.

    Harry Styles' stunt double wearing a mask of his face will haunt your dreams

    Some even made a few comparisons.

    But it is just a mask!