17 Tweets For Anyone Who Hates Leaving The House

    Winter is coming.

    1. You know this feeling:

    When you agreed to go out and the time to go out is getting closer

    2. You already have the responses ready to go:

    when someone asks me why i can’t hang out

    3. Friends continually try you:

    Friends: omg lets go out tonight me: okay I'm down Friends: we're outside me:

    4. This mood forever:

    person: u should try to make more friends me:

    5. I don't know about you but I feel this on a very deep level:

    Me: im gonna start having fun & going out on my days off Me on my off days:

    6. *Cough* "I'm sick":

    I really gotta stop making plans because it sounds fun in the moment. This me when it’s time to get ready

    7. There's no better feeling in the world than when this happens:

    “awww the plans canceled? I really wanted to go maybe next time...”

    8. Literally MEEEEE:

    Wow thank you so much for letting me host tonight

    9. Speaking of dinner parties, this is ideal:

    10. Sometimes there's nothing better than turning yourself into a burrito:

    me: the world is such a wonderful place bro i just want to travel and go on adventures forever also me:

    11. It's like, I make the plans and when the day comes, I don't want to do it anymore:

    My introvert side celebrating cancelled plans for something I agreed to when my extrovert side was present.

    12. A mantra:

    I hate to cancel. I know we made plans to get together tonight but that was two hours ago. I was younger then, and full of hope.

    13. Sweet, sweet relief:

    14. Honestly, my room is the best club I've ever visited:

    15. Hahah, me every night:

    16. Those terrible, terrible Facebook event invites are a scourge:

    *looks at Facebook event invite* ME: "I'd rather kill myself" *clicks on MAYBE ATTENDING*

    17. And finally, just this: