Can You Make It Through This Post Without Wanting To Throw Up?

    Somebody call my lawyer and 911.

    1. We'll start slow...I give you pumpkin spice hot dogs:

    2. Jalapeno hot dogs?!

    3. Crockpot dogs:

    4. Wine dogs?!

    5. "Healthy" hot dogs:

    6. No, wait, maybe this is a healthier version:

    7. Hmmmm:

    8. What even is this egg/hot dog monstrosity:

    9. Sushi dogs:

    10. Pickle dogs:

    11. Disney dogs:

    12. Taco hot dogs:

    13. Twix hot dogs:

    14. Um...

    15. This has to be a joke, right?!

    16. Nope!

    17. No!

    18. Nah!

    19. Shit is getting weird:

    20. Tuna + corn + hot dogs = severe stomach cramps:

    21. And finally, this green hot dog massacre.