27 Incredible Animals With Real Superpowers

    Humans have got nothing on these.

    1. Chitons can make their own magnetic teeth.

    2. Hairy frogs break their bones and push them out through their toes to make claws.

    3. Pit vipers can see in infrared.

    4. Salmon sense the Earth's magnetic field to guide them home.

    5. Bees can sense the electric field of a flower and use it to find pollen.

    6. Alpine ibex mountain goats can walk up walls.

    7. Mantis shrimp swing their arm out at 80kph when they punch, with about the same acceleration as a .22-caliber bullet.

    They can also see ALL of the colors, including ultraviolet, with their 16-color receptive cones.

    8. Pistol shrimp have a claw that snaps shut so quickly it creates a cavitation bubble almost as hot as the surface of the sun. When it collapses the bang can reach 218 decibels.

    9. Dragon millipedes can shoot cyanide at their predators.

    10. Sea cucumbers can shapeshift by essentially liquifying their bodies to squeeze through small gaps.

    11. Elephants can lift almost 300 kilograms with their trunk.

    12. Dung beetles can pull over 1,000 times their body weight.

    13. Fleas can jump 200 times their body length in a single bound.

    14. Bombardier beetles can trigger an internal chemical reaction that creates a boiling jet to expel toward their attacker.

    15. Geckos can walk up windows thanks to electrostatic forces between thousands of tiny hairs on their feet and the surface.

    16. Geckos and lizards can regrow lost tails.

    17. And salamanders can regrow whole limbs.

    18. As can starfish.

    19. Lyrebirds can imitate any sound they hear, including camera shutters, chainsaws, and car alarms.

    20. Swifts have been known to fly nonstop for nearly 200 days.

    21. Platypuses have a sixth sense – electrolocation – that means they can sense the electrical signals in their prey's muscles.

    22. Electric eels can generate electric shocks up to 600 volts.

    23. The horned lizard can shoot blood from its eye.

    24. Cuttlefish are masters of camouflage.

    Now you see it, now you don't.

    25. As are mimic octopuses.

    26. Turritopsis jellyfish are not quite immortal, but they can makes themselves young again and begin their life cycle over and over.

    27. And tardigrades are pretty much indestructible.