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"Degrassi" Fans, What Are Your Most Controversial Opinions?

I think we can all agree that J.T. Yorke deserved MUCH better.

There's no doubt that Degrassi is one of the most iconic teen shows ever.

Whether you have been watching since Degrassi Junior High, stopped watching after Emma's class graduated, or have only seen Next Class, we want to hear your takes! So tell us: What are your most controversial Degrassi opinions?

Maybe you thought Paige and J.T. would have made a really cute couple because you loved their adorable friendship?

Maybe you didn't actually mind Ashley Kerwin and thought everyone was too harsh on her — maybe she was even one of your favorite characters?

Maybe you thought Eli and Clare's relationship was overrated and you actually preferred seeing Clare with Drew or Jake?

Or maybe you didn't ship Miles and Tristan because you thought their relationship was toxic and unhealthy? Maybe you thought Miles had more chemistry with Lola, Maya, or even Winston?

Tell us your boldest Degrassi opinions in the comments below. Your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!