15 Struggles Of Being The Emotional One In The Relationship

    I just like to express myself!

    1. Everything you do is labelled as "being dramatic."

    2. You never have a problem telling your S.O. how much you love them, which can sometimes get on their nerves.

    3. You always want to hear "I love you" in return.

    4. You get irritated when your S.O. spends most of their time with their friends when the two of you are out.

    5. Your face usually shows if you're upset – no matter what.

    6. You think with your heart more than your head sometimes, so your partner thinks you can be irrational.

    7. If your S.O. is upset with you, you find it hard to enjoy yourself elsewhere.

    8. You're usually the first person to text or call, which makes you feel like an annoyance.

    9. Sometimes being this sensitive means arguments.

    10. Sometimes your emotions make your S.O. feel like they're always doing something wrong.

    11. Your S.O. doesn't think they need to tell you how they feel more than once, but you're the opposite.

    12. Your partner doesn't get why you're willing to talk about and express your ~feelings~ all the time.

    13. You like showing your S.O. a lot affection, but they don't think it's necessary as often.

    14. Your partner sometimes thinks that you being emotional means you're insecure in the relationship.

    15. Since you cry often, your partner has come to expect it.

    Still, despite the struggles, you love that your S.O. can appreciate your emotions.