There's A Heartbreaking Detail In The "Gilmore Girls" Trailer You Probably Missed

    I need a moment.

    In case you hadn't heard, we've been gifted the first Gilmore Girls trailer and it will make you weep, laugh, and then weep again.

    It included some subtle nods to the show's original run. We see Dean standing in front of a cornstarch sign in Doose's Market — a reference to his first kiss with Rory...

    there's a sign for cornstarch in doose's market when we see dean in the new #GilmoreGirls trailer 💛 🌽

    ...and a quick line about Jack Kerouac, who was also the first literary reference in the series.

    The Gilmore Guys podcasters also make brief cameos.

    Wait I watched the Gilmore Girls trailer 800 times. How did I miss the @GilmoreGuysShow cameo!

    But there's a subtle, truly heartbreaking detail from Richard's funeral scene that's easy to overlook.

    If you look closely, you'll see a table that seems to hold some of Richard's treasured personal belongings.

    All the way back in Season 3, Episode 10, Lorelai was struggling to find a birthday present for Richard that she thought he'd like.

    While Rory had already bought him something perfect.

    (She called him and asked what he wanted beforehand, but still, super cute.)

    This is what that the album cover looks like:

    And if you look closely at the table in Richard's funeral scene in the new trailer, you'll see what looks like that very album cover:

    Looks like it was, in fact, the perfect gift. Miss you forever, Richard.