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Did You Settle For Your Partner? If So, We Want To Know If It Was A Mistake Or Not

Everyone's "settling" story is different, and we want to hear yours.

When it comes to finding a romantic partner, everyone's journey is different. You might find yourself entering a relationship for love, security, or one of various other reasons. And sometimes, you might catch yourself "settling" with a partner.

Rachel from "Friends:" "I got off the plane"

And if you're someone who initially "settled" with someone, we want to hear how you feel about them today.

Maybe your relationship started under the "settled" umbrella but morphed into something completely different. Today, you might feel a deeper and stronger love for your partner, thankful that you found them when you did.

Max and Kyle from "Living Single"

Or perhaps you still feel you "settled" in your relationship. And because you have this stagnant feeling, you might be passive-aggressive toward your partner (leading to resentment).

Or maybe you "settled" and now have mixed feelings toward your partner. Maybe you have a certain love and care for them, but at the same time, feel like something is missing.

Bette and Tina from "The L Word" smiling at each other

So, we want to hear from you, dear reader: If you're someone who "settled" in a relationship, how do you feel about your partner today? Share your story with us in the comments below (or in this Google Form if you want to remain anonymous).

Some submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.