16 Reasons Why Band Geeks Rule

    Enough with the band camp jokes, already.

    1. This image of a chipped reed fills you with a morbid sense of dread

    2. You hate these:

    3. And love these (extra pencil holder, even!):

    4. You've tested cork grease as chap stick

    5. You had stickers on your case

    6. You've lent someone your valve oil

    7. You've accidentally stepped in the puddle from brass's spit valves

    8. You know how annoying it is to have everything fall out of your case when you open it upside down

    9. You convinced yourself you're extra good at kissing because of your lip muscles from your embouchure

    10. You know what each of these are for:

    11. You've stared at the Wheel of Fifths but still don't really get it

    12. You know that some instruments are harder to play in a skirt

    13. You know exactly what wet reed tastes like

    14. You would NEVER call this a tuba

    15. You can walk like this

    16. You don't understand why these chinstraps have to be like this