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17 Everyday Worries All Hypochondriacs Will Understand

Curse you, WebMD.

1. Hearing news about an outbreak in another country and *knowing* it's coming for you next.

2. Feeling a little warm, taking your temperature, and learning it's 98.9°.

3. Feeling a little faint, going to WebMD, and finding the worst case scenario.

4. Getting a headache, going to WebMD, and finding the worst case scenario.

5. Getting a stomachache, assuming your appendix is about to burst.

6. Realizing you've had to pee a lot today. Suspiciously a lot.

7. Sneezing.

8. Hearing a friend is sick and melodramatically warning your friends/family that you're likely next.

9. Getting so nervous about being sick that your heart races, which convinces you you're going to have a heart attack.

10. Going to the doctor for something and feeling sure s/he's looking at you like you're dying.

11. Having to touch doors/toilet flushers/subway poles/other people.

12. Being asked what those pills are and why there are so many of them.

13. Getting a hangover and deciding you'll be the first person you know to die from one.

14. Trying to convince your friends that, no, this time you actually ARE going to die.

15. Looking in the mirror and noticing a weird spot on your skin.

16. Wondering whom you should leave your belongings to.

17. Knowing it's (probably) all in your head and feeling unable to stop it anyway.