16 Tweets That Blew My Mind This Week, And I Think You'll Be Equally Shook

    Zendaya is Meechee.

    1. This Twitter scientist who showed the effects of positive reinforcement:

    Do y’all remember when I did a rice experiment to prove that there’s power in what u say? Same rice, identical jars, kept in different spots in same area. Every morning and night for 30 days, I said positive things to the love rice and negative to the hate rice. The outcome. https://t.co/qZxUMUTIq1

    2. This seal who had enough of this kayaker's shit:

    A seal slaps a man in the face with an octopus. The best headline you'll see today.

    3. The song that's been stuck in all of our heads all week, "Zendaya is Meechee":

    4. This shocking realization:

    Guys People that take care of chickens Are literal CHICKEN TENDERS IM CRYIN

    5. The most romantic tweet I've ever seen in my life:

    My first time holding a sloth today 😭

    6. This tweet that you cannot unsee:

    I cannot take him seriously ever since someone said he looked like Mariah Carey

    7. This video that can only elicit the reaction "but...why?":

    【36段ジェンガの上にグラスをのせて乳首でテーブルクロス引き】 I put a wine glass on top of 36 stage Jenga, I used a nipple and pulled a tablecloth. #jenga https://t.co/JjLt3dr2RC

    8. This tweet that perfectly encapsulates talking to people about TV:

    9. This extremely talented artist:

    10. This tweet that made me laugh for about two straight hours:

    [through chopstick walrus tusks] divorth?

    11. This tweet that read Libras to filth:

    I'm a LIBRA so you know what that means: my bones are BAD but my skin is GOOD, my fingers are LONG and my pets are MISSING, I don't AGE but I do WEAKEN WITH TIME, I can't FEEL PAIN but I SORT OF CAN?, and if you can't handle that, sweetie, there's the TOWEL I use as a DOOR 💅

    12. This user who had an epic dentist appointment:


    13. When the new Philadelphia Flyers' mascot came out swinging:

    I fell in love with Gritty when he threatened to kill the Pittsburgh Penguins within his first hour on the job

    14. This tweet that told me the harsh truth about my low ponytail:

    sometimes my low pony looks cute but sometimes i look like a young man in colonial america eager to start his woodworking apprenticeship

    15. The custom parking sign this kind stranger made:

    My son has parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year. This morning, this sticker had appeared. Absolutely made our day. People can be so brilliant. Thank you, whoever did it 😊 https://t.co/rYC8jCTD5L

    16. And this tweet about how this week went for almost everyone:

    Sometimes it feels like Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper are the only ones having a good year.