14 Pieces Of Advice Teens Should Hear Before They Turn 20

    Don't freak out if your life isn't going exactly how you planned. H/T Quora

    1. Learn how to manage your money now.

    2. And remain diligent about keeping track of your finances.

    "Never looking at your budget and never making a budget are the exact same thing." —Bivas Nag

    3. Learn how to cook, even if it's just a few basic dishes.

    4. Put effort into your own health, both physical and mental.

    5. Find a way to make travel a priority.

    6. Spend some time doing something that helps others, whether as a paid job or as a volunteer.

    "Take up a servicing job or join community services. Learn to let go of ego and judgment, learn to understand other people’s perspective, learn to communicate with people from all walks of life, learn to love and give, and learn to accept differences. Learn to see yourself in other people." —Isabelle Thye

    7. Work on building a new, different relationship with your parents.

    8. Try to put more out into the world than you take back.

    9. Don't freak out if your life isn't going exactly how you planned.

    10. Find your own definition of success and don't be dragged down by others' expectations.

    "Achieve your success, not someone else’s. Everyone’s got their own brand of success, and successful people have all gotten there going their own way, and hit their own definition of success. Don’t try to live up to someone else’s vision or follow someone else’s path. You can do it your way and make it work." —Jordan Allen

    11. Remember that you're still doing a lot of preparation for your future.

    12. Accept that you're going to fail and make mistakes, and choose to learn from them.

    13. Enjoy the freedom of your youth while you can.

    "Do stupid things. Have fun. Be reckless. Go on that trip. Kiss that person. Climb that mountain. Sail that ocean." —Bennett Garner

    14. And most importantly, be a friend to yourself first.